my work
Want know my work?
See: My Google Scholar My dblp.
I've mentored or I'm mentoring (as part of the Brave or Cloudflare internship program or others):
- Christian Knabenhans. Brave internship. His website can be found here.
- Luiza Barros Reis Soezima. Individual Mentoring. Her website can be found here.
- Guilhem Niot. Individual Monitoring Committee Ph.D. Thesis.
- Elizabeth Margolin. Brave internship and Thesis Committee. Her website can be found here.
- Shai Levin. Brave internship. His website can be found here.
- Joe Rowell. Brave internship. His website can be found here. Mentoring with Alex Davidson and Gonçalo Pestana.
- Lenka Mareková. Cloudflare internship. Their website can be found here. Mentoring with Bas Westerbaan.
- Thom Wiggers. Cloudflare internship. His website can be found here.
- Goutam Tamvada. Cloudflare internship. His website can be found here.
academic publications
These is my list of scientific publications (from new to old):
- 'Share the MAYO: Thresholdizing MAYO' with Daniel Escudero and Guilhem Niot.
Conference paper. 16th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2025).
Find an extended version here.
- 'DiStefano: Decentralized Infrastructure for Sharing Trusted Encrypted Facts and Nothing More' with Alex Davidson, Hamed Haddadi, Gonçalo Pestana and Joe Rowell.
Conference paper. Network and Distributed Systems Security 2025 (NDSS 2025).
Awarded with Distinguished Paper Award (DPA) at NDSS 2025.
Find an extended version here.
- 'Call Me By My Name: Practical Keyword PIR' with Alex Davidson.
Conference paper. 31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) 2024.
Artifact provided: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Evaluated--Functional, Results Reproduced.
Find an extended version here.
- 'Nibbling MAYO: Optimized Implementations for AVX2 and Cortex-M4' with Ward Beullens, Fabio Campos, Basil Hess and Matthias J. Kannwischer.
Conference paper. Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES) 2024 Issue 2.
Presented as well at the NIST's 5th PQC Standardization Conference 2024.
Artifact provided: IACR CHES Results Reproduced.
Find an extended version here.
- 'CDLS: Committed Discrete Logarithms with Soundness' with Shai Levin and Joe Rowell.
Conference paper. International Conference on Cryptology in Africa 2024 (AfricaCrypt2024).
Find an extended version here.
- 'SoK: Signatures With Randomizable Keys' with Scott Griffy, Lucjan Hanzlik, Octavio Perez Kempner and Daniel Slamanig.
Conference paper. 28th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2024).
Find an extended version here.
- 'Practically-exploitable Cryptographic Vulnerabilities in Matrix' with Martin R. Albrecht, Benjamin Dowling and Daniel Jones.
Symposium Proceedings. 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P) 2023. (Acceptance rate: 17.1%, 196/1147).
Find an extended version here. See our website here.
Awarded with Distinguished Paper Award (DPA) at IEEES&P 2023.
Finalist for the 2023 Pwnie award. See it here. - 'FrodoPIR: Simple, Scalable, Single-Server Private Information Retrieval' with Alex Davidson and Gonçalo Pestana.
Peer-reviewed journal. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS). Vol. 2023, Issue 1. (Acceptance rate: 22%, 123/563).
Find an extended version here. - 'A tale of two models: formalizing KEMTLS in Tamarin' with Thom Wiggers, Jonathan Hoyland, Douglas Stebila.
Conference paper. 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2022.
Find it here, and an extended version here.
Runner-up for best paper award at ESORICS2022.
Invited to special issue on the Journal of Computer Security: authors decided not to submit. - 'Implementing and Measuring KEMTLS' with Armando Faz-Hernández, Nick Sullivan, Goutam Tamvada, Luke Valenta, Thom Wiggers, Bas Westerbaan and Christopher A. Wood.
Conference paper. International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America 2021 (LatinCrypt2021).
Find it here, and an extended version here. - 'A Fast and Simple Partially Oblivious PRF, with Applications' with Nirvan Tyagi, Thomas Ristenpart, Nick Sullivan, Stefano Tessaro, and Christopher A. Wood.
Conference paper. International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques in Europe 2022 (EuroCrypt2022).
Find it here and an extended version here.
Specified by IRTF in RFC9497 (note that this is an 'Information specification' and does not represent an Internet Standard) for its use in the standarised Internet protocol Privacy Pass (which I'm a co-author of).
cryptographic/technology design
- 'MAYO PQC Signature scheme' with Ward Beullens, Fabio Campos, Basil Hess and Matthias J. Kannwischer.
Find the specification here. See our website here.
Candidate selected for the 2nd round of the "on-ramp" PQC NIST standardization.
- 'OTR-mode' with Mark Pilgrim, Shivan Sahib and Pete Snyder.
Find the blogpost here.
- Distinguished Paper Award (DPA), 2025 – Awarded at NDSS 2025 in recognition of an outstanding paper in the field of network and distributed system security research.
- Distinguished Human Rights Defender, 2025 – Honoured by the Institute on Human Rights, Diversity, and Inclusion in 2025 for significant contributions to social justice and advocacy.
- Distinguished Paper Award (DPA), 2023 – Awarded at IEEE S&P 2023 for exceptional research in cryptography and security.
- Runner-up for the Pwnie Award, 2023 – Nominated in 2023 for excellence in the field of security research.
- Runner-up for Best Paper Award, 2022 – Recognized at ESORICS 2022 for significant contribution to research.
- First Class Honours – Earned at the University of London for outstanding academic performance.
- Best Literature Short Story Award – Awarded in 2009 by Universidad San Francisco de Quito for excellence in creative writing.
- Roll of Honour at the National Conservatory of Music – Recognized for excellence in musical studies and performance.
- Academic Scholarship for University Studies – Awarded by Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2012-2017, for outstanding academic achievement.
- Recipient of an Academic Scholarship for High School Studies – Recognized for exceptional academic performance during secondary education.
my groups
- The amazing Brave Research Team as a Senior Cryptography and Security Researcher.
- Criptolatino. Ping me or any of the members for joining!
- Women in Cryptography. Ping Allison Bishop, Katharina Boudgoust or myself for joining!
- PQC MAYO scheme team. Find our website here.
- The Lattice Club with Octavio Pérez Kempner. Find our website here.
- The Steering Committee of Latincrypt.
- Collaborating with Open Quantum Safe (OQS).
- Criptógrafas Latinoamericanas.
- Red de investigación en criptografía.
conference/academic chair
- Co-chair of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P). 2026.
- Part of the Code of Conduct team at Eurocrypt. 2025.
- IACR e-print co-editor. 2025.
- Publicity/Web Chair at Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS). 2025-2026.
- Chair of affiliated events of CRYPTO2025.
- Award Chair at International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS). 2024.
- Co-chair of Advanced School in Cryptography (ASCrypto), 2023, as part of LatinCrypt2023 and an official IACR Cryptology School.
I love organizing summits and gatherings:
- OTRv4 summit colocated with PETS2019, Stockholm, Sweden. Find more information here and here.
- Secure messaging summit 2020. Find more information here.
- Meeting around Deniability at Real World Crypto 2021. Find more information here.
- Informal meeting around Anonymous Credentials at Real World Crypto 2021. Find more information here.
- Workshop on digital rights for Latin American women at Taller de Comunicación Mujer.
- Second meeting around Anonymous Credentials. Find more information here.
- Post-quantum cryptography and networks (PQNet). Find more information here.
- Criptolatino: the Latin American community of cryptographers workshop at LatinCrypt2021. Find more information here.
- Post-quantum cryptography and networks (PQNet) at RWC2022. Find more information here.
- Cryptography school in Caparica.
I've served in these program committees:
- ACM CCS. 2025. See what it is about here.
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS). 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
- USENIX Security Symposium. 2025. See what it is about here.
- IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P). 2024. See what it is about here.
- Real World Crypto (RWC). 2023, 2024. See what it is about here.
- Public Key Cryptography (PKC). 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
- International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in the Asia-Pacific region (Asiacrypt). 2025. See what it is about here.
- International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America (Latincrypt). 2023. See what it is about here.
- ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS). 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
- International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS). 2024. See what it is about here.
- SAC. 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
- CT-RSA. 2025. See what it is about here.
- IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S&P). 2025. See what it is about here.
- International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (CANS). 2025. See what it is about here.
- Information Security Conference (ISC). 2024. See what it is about here.
- EuroSec. 2024. See what it is about here.
- Security Standardisation Research Conference (SSR). 2022, 2023, 2024. See what it is about here.
- ACM Workshop on SW Supply Chain Offensive Research and Ecosystem Defenses (SCORED). 2022, 2023, 2024. See what it is about here.
- Workshop on Real World and PQC. 2023. See what it is about here.
- 1st Workshop on Cryptography Applied to Transparency Systems (CATS). 2024. See what it is about here.
- Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT). 2023, 2024. See what it is about here.
- Workshop on High Assurance Crypto Software (HACS). 2023, 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
- Conference for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology (CFAIL). 2023, 2024. See what it is about here.
- ETSI-IQC Quantum-Safe Cryptography Workshop. 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
- Quantum-Resistant Cryptography Workshop. 2025. See what it is about here.
- PrivCrypt Workshop. 2025. See what it is about here.
- International Workshop on Security (IWSEC). 2025. See what it is about here.
- Workshop on Secure Protocol Implementations in the Quantum Era (SPIQE). 2025. See what it is about here.
I've served in these ethics committees:
- Research Ethics Committee (REC) at IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P). 2024. See what it is about here.
I've served in these awards committees:
- Applied Networking Research Prize 2023, 2024, 2025. See what it is about here.
I'm part of these editorial boards:
- IACR Communications in Cryptology 2025. See what it is about here.
I am/I was part of the review committee for these events:
- CRYPTO, 2025.
- Blackhat Review Board, 2024.
- CRYPTO Artefact Review Committee, 2024. See what is it about here.
- PETS 2020,2021,2022,2023,2024: Artefact Review Committee. See what is it about here.
- USENIX: Artefact Review Committee, 2020. See what is it about here.
- Journal of Cryptographic Engineer 2022.
- Subreviewer: LATIN: The 15th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, 2022.
- Subreviewer: The 29th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 2024.
I advice:
I review grant proposals at:
- Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund (D//F). 2023-2024. See what is it about here.
- Co-chair of the Human Rights Protocols Considerations group (HRPC) at IRTF. See what it is about here. Chairing with Mallory Knodell.
- Co-chair of the Post-Quantum Use In Protocols (PQUIP) at IETF. See what it is about here. Chairing with Paul Hoffman.
- Co-chair of the Anti-Fraud community group at W3C. See what it is about here. Chairing with Steven Valdez.
- Part of the IETF Ombudsteam. See what it is about here.
- Part of the Public Interest Technology Group. See what it is about here.
- Part of the Diversity Travel Grants Committee. See what it is about here.
grants/sponsorships received
For my work, I sometimes receive grants or sponsorships:
- Institut Cybersécurité Occitanie (ICO), 2025. A grant for creating the Decrypting Diversity Summit in France.
- Collaborative Research Center CROSSING, 2025. A grant for creating the Decrypting Diversity Summit in France.
- Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), 2025. A grant for creating a CIMPA School in Chile.
- International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), 2023. A grant for creating the ASCrypto2023 School in Ecuador.
- NLnet and NGIO Zero: NGI0 PET Fund, 2020. A grant received for continuing work on the OTRv4 project. Find more information here.
- Cloudflare: Sponsorship for Cryptography Research, 2020.
- USENIX Security '20: Diversity grant.
- Grant to attend HACS, 2020.
- Article19: Grant to attend IETF106.
- Rails Girls Summer of Code fellowship, 2015.
interviews/media coverage
Some media coverage:
- Cryptography FM. Find it here.
- Radios Libres. Find it here.
- The Daily Swig, around KEMTLS. Find it here.
- GK, around learning to program and childhood. Find it here.
- Portrait de Sofía Celi, Ingénieure en cryptographie chez CloudFare. Find it here.
- 'Modern and Quantum Cryptography - what does the future hold?' at Distributed Future. Find it here.
- 'Da criptografia à computação quântica' at Made In Tech. Find it here.
- 'Serious vulnerabilities in Matrix’s end-to-end encryption have been patched' at Ars Technica. Find it here.
- 'IETF launches post-quantum encryption working group' at IETF News. Find it here.
- 'Criptografia na América Latina e no Caribe - Entrevista com Sofía Celi' at ObCrypto. Find it here.
- 'FrodoPIR: New Privacy-Focused Database Querying System' at The Hacker News. Find it here.
- Profile at Forbes Ecuador. Find it here.
published text
I have some other informal published texts:
- 'No evidence of communication: Off-The-Record Protocol version 4'. Find it here. This extended abstract was written for HotPETS from PETS2018.
- 'Privacy and deniability by design: Off-the-Record messaging version 4'. Find it here. This extended abstract was written for PUT2019.
- 'The current state of denial'. Find it here. This extended abstract was written for HotPETS from PETS2020. This is a joint collaboration with Iraklis Symeonidis.
- Contributor at 'Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) using Prime-Order Groups'. Find it here.
- Author of 'Privacy Pass: The Protocol' RFC. Find it here.
- Author of 'Definition of End-to-end Encryption'. Find it here.
- Reviewer and happy collaborator to 'Crypto Dictionary' from the amazing JP Aumasson. Find it here.
- Blogpost at Cloudflare with Thom Wiggers: "KEMTLS: Post-quantum TLS without signatures". Find it here.
- "On the Importance of Understanding Memory Handling" for Welcome to the Jungle. Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Pop Chunhapany and Armando Faz-Hernández: "Privacy Pass v3: the new privacy bits". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare: "The quantum solace and spectre". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare: "The post-quantum state: a taxonomy of challenges". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Goutam Tamvada: "Deep dive into a post-quantum signature scheme". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Goutam Tamvada: "Deep dive into a post-quantum key encapsulation algorithm". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Goutam Tamvada: "Using EasyCrypt and Jasmin for post-quantum verification". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Goutam Tamvada and Thom Wiggers: "Post-quantumify internal services: Logfwrdr, Tunnel, and gokeyless". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Nick Sullivan: "The post-quantum future: challenges and opportunities". Find it here.
- Blog post at Cloudflare with Angela Huang: "International Women’s Day 2022". Find it here.
- Blog post at Brave with Alex Davidson and Gonçalo Pestana: "FrodoPIR: a new privacy-preserving approach for retrieving data". Find it here.
- IRTF draft: "Intimate Partner Violence Digital Considerations" with Juliana Guerra and Mallory Knodel. Find it here.
- Blog post at Brave: "Commitments and zero-knowledge attestations over TLS 1.3: DiStefano protocol". Find it here. Joint work with Sebastian Angel, Alex Davidson, Hamed Haddadi, Shai Levin, Elizabeth Margolin, Gonçalo Pestana, Joe Rowell, Jess Woods.
Some informal notes and thoughts:
- 'A note on Privacy-Preserving Measurements Techniques'. Find it here. Extra material for a PEARG presentation.
- 'STAR and verifiability of shares'. Find it here. Extra material for a PPM presentation.
- 'The Boomerang protocol: A Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Verifiable Incentive Protocol'.
Some statements to improve diversity and inclusion:
- 'On Creating a More Inclusive and Supporting Community' with Elena Pagnin and Akira Takahashi. Find it here.
scientific talks
These are my scientific talks (organised by old to new. For policy talks, see the next section):
- Contributed talk: "Elliptic Curves: from magic to Goldilocks" at CryptoRave2018, São Paulo, Brazil (2018).
- Contributed talk: "No evidence of communication: Off-The-Record Protocol version 4" at PETS2018, Barcelona, Spain (2018). Watch the talkhere.
- Invited talk: "No evidence of communication: OTRv4 (Off-the-Record) v4" at the Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Proposed Research Group (PEARG) from IETF 103 (2018).
- Contributed talk: "No evidence of communication and morality in protocols: Off-the-Record protocol version 4", at the 35th Chaos Computer Congress (35c3), Leipzig, Germany, with Jurre van Bergen (2018). Watch the talkhere.
- Invited talk: "Deniability in a group chat setting" at the Message Layer Security (MLS) group from IETF (2019).
- Contributed talk: "No evidence of communication and implementing a protocol: Off-the-Record protocol version 4" at FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium (2018). Watch the talkhere.
- Contributed talk: "Clang tools for implementing cryptographic protocols like OTRv4" at Euro Developers meeting, Brussels, Belgium (2018). Watch the talkhere.
- Invited talk: "A case around secure messaging: OTRv4" at the Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC) from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium (2019). Watch the talkhere.
- Invited talk: "The loss of the sovereignty in privacy" at Security in Times of Surveillance event, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2019). Watch the talk here.
- Invited talk: "A case around secure messaging: OTRv4" at EI/Ψ seminar from the Eidenhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2019). Find more informationhere.
- Invited talk: "A case around secure messaging: OTRv4" at DS Colloquium from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2019). Find the information here.
- Contributed talk: "Privacy and Deniability by Design: Off-the-Record Messaging Version 4" at the Open Day for Privacy, Usability, and Transparency (PUT) co-located with PETS, Stockholm, Sweden (2019). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "A Case Around Secure Messaging: OTRv4" at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia (2019). Find more information here.
- Contributed talk: "Off-the-Record" at HotRFC during IETF 106, Singapore (2019). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "Security and Privacy: An Unsustainable Balance" at "Our Data, Our Future: Radical Tech for a Democratic Digital Society" by DECODE, Turin, Italy (2019). Find more information here.
- Contributed talk: "The State of Secure Messaging: The Case of OTR" at the Critical Decentralisation Cluster during the 36c3, Chaos Computer Congress, Leipzig, Germany (2019). Find more information here.
- Panel discussion: "Communicating in a Private Way: Should We Care?" at the Critical Decentralisation Cluster (2020), Leipzig, Germany (2019). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "A Case Around Secure Messaging: OTRv4" at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2020).
- Panel discussion: "Communicating in a Private Way: Should We Care?" at the Luxembourg Legal Hackers Meetup (2020). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "Why Golang" at Women Who Go Paris (2020). Find more information here.
- Contributed talk: "The Current State of Denial" at HotPETS during PETS (2020). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "The Devil is in the Detail: Designing and Implementing OTRv4" at The 8th Technion Summer School on Cyber and Computer Security (2020). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "The Double-Ratchet Algorithm: Security and Privacy Properties" at Cryptography Meetup (2020). Find more information here.
- TV talk: "Las Siete Vidas de un Gato Post-Quántico" with Armando Faz at CFTV from Cloudflare (2020). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "The State of Digital Rights in Latin America" at RC3 (2020). Find the recording here.
- Contributed talk: "Post-Quantum TLS without Handshake Signatures" with Peter Schwabe, Douglas Stebila, Thom Wiggers, and Armando Faz at Real World Crypto (2021). Find more information here.
- Contributed talk: "'I Thought I Was Being Strong with a Complicated Person': The Tales of Intimate Gender-Based Online Abuse in the Global South" at Enigma, a Usenix Conference (2021). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "The State of Denial" at the Research Seminar in the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway (2021). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "DMLS: Deniable MLS" at the MLS Working Group, IETF 110 (2021). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "OPAQUE with TLS 1.3" at the TLS Working Group, IETF 110 (2021). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "Anonymous Credentials: Highlights from the Meeting" at Privacy Pass Working Group, IETF 110 (2021).
- TV talk: "KEMTLS" with Thom Wiggers at CFTV from Cloudflare (2021). Find more information here.
- Invited talk: "Introducción a la Criptografía" at Kriptos (2021).
- Invited talk: "A Fast and Simple Partially Oblivious PRF, with Applications" with Nirvan Tyagi at Brave Browser Research (2021).
- Invited talk: "PO-PRFs" at CFRG at IETF111 with Armando Faz-Hernández (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Public Metadata and Privacy Pass" at IETF111 (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Authentication with KEMs for TLS1.3" with Thom Wiggers at IETF111 (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "End-to-end encryption" with Mallory Knodell at SecDispatch at IETF111 (2021). Find the information here.
- Contributed talk: "Gallery of Latin American Malware" at SOUPS (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Implementing and Measuring KEMTLS" at Google Cryptographic Group with Armando-Faz Hernández (2021).
- Invited talk: "Introductions to networks and post-quantum algorithms using isogenies" at Isogeny-based Cryptography School (2021). Find the information here.
- Keynote talk: "How private is secure messaging?" at the Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "OPRFs: what they are, new constructions and new applications" at TII CRC Seminar Series (2021). Find the information here.
- Contributed talk: "Implementing and Measuring KEMTLS" at Latincrypt (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Privacy Pass attacks in practice" at Anti-Fraud for the Web breakout session at TPAC, W3C (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "OPRFs: past and future" at the Cornell's Security Seminar (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Desde curvas elípticas a teoría quántica: Qué es la criptografía?" at the Congreso Trascendencias, Universidad Campus Mexicali (2021). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Introduction to Cryptography" at the 21st edition of Semana de Informática at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal (2021). Find the information here.
- Cancelled: "Challenges of isogenies in post-quantum cryptography for the real-world" at the Isogeny School (2022).
- Invited talk: "TLS and post-quantum" at PQNet (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "De Turing a Shor: la computación" at Días de las Niñas en TIC (2022). Find the information here.
- Panellist: "Introducing a pro-encryption agenda in Latin America" at AC-LAC with ELAC (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Secure Messaging" at the Applied Cryptography course at Radboud University (2022).
- Invited talk: "KEMTLS: Post-quantum TLS without signatures: Lessons-Learnt from PQC Implementations" at ESA Workshop on "Secure Communications for Space Missions in the Post-Quantum Era" (2022).
- Invited talk: "PPM techniques: informal comparison" at the Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group (PEARG) at IETF 114 (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Post-Quantum NIST Process" at the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG) at IETF114 (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "NIST PQC Announcement " at the Transport Layer Security Group (TLS) at IETF114 (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "TLS and post-quantum" at Summer School in Post-Quantum Cryptography (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Post-quantum cryptography" at Computer Webinar Series at Amirkabir University (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Private Browsing" at OpenLabEC (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Anonymous Tokens" at TPAC at W3C (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Practically-exploitable vulnerabilities in Matrix" at the Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group (PEARG) at IETF 115 (2022). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Methodology to classify IPV aided by digital tools" at the Human Rights and Protocols Considerations Group (HRPC) at IETF 115 (2022). Find the information here
- Invited talk: "Practical Cryptography" at the University of Bristol.
- Invited talk: "Latin America and Cryptography" at "Beyond the Usual Suspects: A Workshop on Latin American Cyber Security", Royal Holloway, University of London (2023). Find the information here.
- Contributed talk: "Practically-exploitable vulnerabilities in Matrix" at Blackhat Europe (2023) Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "FrodoPIR: Simple, Scalable, Single-Server Private Information Retrieval" at Chalmers University of Technology (2023). Find the information here.
- Contributed talk: "Designing cryptography for small organizations and projects" at Real World Crypto (2023). Joint submission with Alex Davidson and Peter Snyder. Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Report from Real World Crypto (RWC) 2023" at Security Area Open Meeting (SAAG) at IETF116 (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "POPLAR/STAR measurements" at PPM WG at IETF 116 (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Failures of security/privacy in practice" at University of Twente (2023).
- Panel: Panellist at CrossFyre (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Practically-exploitable Cryptographic Vulnerabilities in Matrix" at NOVA School of Science and Technology at Lisbon, Portugal (2023). Find the information here.
- Moderator: Moderator at CENTR Jamboree 2023 in the panel "Research Initiatives to Assess the Impact of Post Quantum Cryptography on DNS" (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Private Information Retrieval: from theory to practice" at 14º Coloquio nacional de códigos, criptografía y áreas relacionadas (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: Exploring the impact of PQC on Cryptographic Key Management at CryptoVillage at DEFCON (2023).
- Invited talk: Friendship and Research at RISE: Research Insights and Stories for Enlightenment, co-located with CRYPTO (2023). Couldn't attend due to family tragedy. Find the information here.
- Panel: Panellist at 2nd Oxford Post-quantum Cryptography Workshop at University of Oxford (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Introduction to Cryptography" at INCACrypto (2023). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Intimate Partner Violence Considerations in design of technology" at REPHRAIN from the University of Bristol (2023).
- Invited talk: "MAYO and multivariate" at University of Bristol (2023).
- Invited talk: "MAYO and multivariate" at TII CRC Seminar Series (2023).
- Panel: Panellist at 'For Whom and by Whom? Achieving Locally Sustainable Impact through Digital Security Capacity Building' workshop. Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Sigma and proof of knowledge protocols: state, limitations and future" at Cryptography and Related Fields at the AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings: AMS Special Session on Cryptography and Related Fields (2024). Find the information here.Cancelled due to sickness.
- Invited talk: "MAYO and multivariate" at Seminario de Criptografía Post-Quántica from Latam (2024).
- Invited talk: "DiStefano: Decentralized Infrastructure for Sharing Trusted Encrypted Facts and Nothing More Private and Efficient Commitments for TLS-encrypted Data" at Shandong University (2024).
- Invited talk: "Designing cryptography/systems for the people" at the University of Bristol (2024).
- Invited talk: "Human rights in the technology we chose to standardize" at RECAP workshop (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Criptolatino: the community of Latin-American cryptographers" at RECAP workshop (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "PIR: Recent Developments and Advancements" at 'AB+ — Attributes and Blindness' workshop at Eurocrypt (2024). Find the information here.
- Contributed talk: "Practical PIR for Real Databases" at 'CAW — Cryptographic Applications Workshop' workshop at Eurocrypt (2024). Find the information here.
- Panel: Panellist at "Panel on standarisation" at 'CAW — Cryptographic Applications Workshop' workshop at Eurocrypt (2024). Find the information here.
- Group: Organiser and mentor at 'Women in Cryptography and Allies' and mentorship lunch workshop at Eurocrypt (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Private Information Retrieval: are we close to make it practical?" at Summer School in Croatia (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Private Information Retrieval and Lattices: Advancements and Future Directions" at "New Trends in Post-Quantum Cryptography" at Oxford University (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "DiStefano: Decentralized Infrastructure for Sharing Trusted Encrypted Facts and Nothing More Private and Efficient Commitments for TLS-encrypted Data" at the Anti-Fraud group at W3C (2024).
- Invited talk: "Practical PIR for Real Databases" at Private Information Retrieval Systems workshop co-located with PETS (2024). Find the information here.
- Panel: Panellist at GHTC Glowing Hot Topics in Cryptography co-located with CRYPTO (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "The future of cryptography" at Reunión Española de Criptografía y Seguridad de la Información (RECSI) (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Chalamet PIR: Practical Keyword-based PIR" at Berkeley University (2024).
- Invited talk: "Chalamet PIR: Practical Keyword-based PIR" at PEARG at IETF121 (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "MAYO: Practical Signatures and more" at Portugal Crypto day (2024). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "MAYO: Practical Post-Quantum Signatures and Advanced Constructions" at Cryptography and Related Fields at the 2025 AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings: AMS Special Session on Cryptography and Related Fields (2025). Find the information here.
- Invited talk: "Attestations over TLS 1.3 and ZKP" at Microsoft Research (2025).
- Invited talk: "Attestations over TLS 1.3 and ZKP" at EPFL (2025).
- Invited talk: "Building Bridges and Schemes: The Story of MAYO and a Thriving Team" at Women+ In IC at EPFL (2025).
- Invited talk: "ChalametPIR" at Ethereum Foundation's Learn and Share.
- Keynote: "PIR, Foundations and Foundations, Frontiers, and Future Directions for Search and Recommendation Systems" at IMPACT, co-located with NDSS 2025. Find the information here.
- Invited Talk: "PIR, Foundations and Foundations, Frontiers, and Future Directions for Search and Recommendation Systems" at AlgoCRYPT Seminar at JPMorgan.
- Upcoming: Invited Talk: TBA at ZKProof.
- Upcoming: Masterclass at Universidad UTE.
- Upcoming: TBA at Chalmers University.
- Upcoming: TBA at University of Michigan.
- Upcoming: TBA at crypt@b-it.
- Upcoming: TBA at Escuela CIMPA.
- Upcoming: Invited Talk: TBA at Cypherpunk Congress.
policy talks/work
I've been invited to provide input to policies or to policy-related organisms (talks from new to old):
- Talk: TBA at the "Quantum Standardization: Shaping Global Policies, Women in Quantum Spotlight" by International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
- Letter: Singed the "Joint Letter on the UK Government’s use of Investigatory Powers Act to attack End-to-End Encryption" by the Global Encryption Coallition. Read it here. (2025).
- Panel: Panellist at the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Workshop co-located with the 2024 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) (2024).
- Panel: Panellist at the "Online Roundtable: Gender Approaches to Cybersecurity" by The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) (2024).
- Panel: Panellist at the "Regional Roundtable: Internet Fragmentation and Human Rights in Europe" roundtable (2023-2024) from Global Partners Digital.
- Panel: Panellist at European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) 2023 virtual round table (2023): Which technology standards will shape tomorrow's multipolar world?.
- Expert Consultation: Discussing the relationship between human rights and technical standard-setting at the UN Human Rights Council (2023).
- Panel: Panelist at the "High-level multi-stakeholder event on the Future of the Internet" by the European Commission in collaboration with the Czech Presidency to the Council of the EU (2022).
Happy news that help me with my imposter syndrome:
- Nominated to be SEC AD at IETF. See here. Thank you whoever nominated me ;). Rescinded application.
- Thank you so much, Leah Namisa Rosenbloom, for acknowledging me in the amazing work 'Cryptography and Collective Power'. This is a much needed work.