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My stock of posts:
Breaking Post-Quantum Cryptography
The breaking state of the week
Post-quantum Signatures
The state of many signatures
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Some loading thoughts
Women in science groups
Hear me as a woman. Have me as your sister. -Amanda Gorman
1:1s and management
Why I love good 1:1s
Understanding Modern Number Theory: Divisibility
God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers. — Paul Erdos
KEMTLS and Cloudflare: designing and implementing for the real world
Running post-quantum experiments
Post-quantum Cryptography and running experiments with it at Cloudflare
Because quantum cats have 7 lives
Domestic Abuse
“I didn’t realize I was being abused. I thought I was being strong with a complicated person.” — Evan Rachel Wood
Programming language design and compilers: where to start?
So you want to get into design, kid?